To facilitate Risk Management, it is essential to have an online mechanism that would generate alert, keeping in pace of the change in the Clients position, on a real time basis. For this purpose, “CAPSTOCKS” have installed a state of the Art surveillance program, called “Protector”, specifically developed for the broking environment, by Financial Technologies, a leader in this field. The software tracks the trades of each client, as and when they happen, and calculate his/her margin, using the NSE’s SPAN margin software. The alerts generated are monitored by a Surveillance team who then instruct the dealers to take appropriate action against the Client.
A. Online Surveillance.
B. Offline Surveillance
The Surveillance team shall keep track of alerts generated and also received from the Exchange end, on a real time basis. The alerts generated / received are documented and recorded in a register, for review and analysis. The time frame for disposition of alerts is 15 days from the date of receipt of the alert. Any delay in disposition of alerts shall be recorded, with reasons for the same. Any suspicious / manipulative activity shall be immediately brought to the notice of the Compliance officer / Managing Director. In case adverse observations are recorded, then Surveillance Department shall report such instances to the Exchange / authorities within 45 days, of the alert generation.
The Surveillance department shall also put up to the board on the number of alerts pending at the beginning of the quarter, generated during the quarter, disposed off during the quarter and pending at the end of the quarter. The board shall also be apprised of the any exception noticed during the disposition of alerts.
The surveillance process shall be conducted under the overall supervision of the Compliance Officer. The designated directors / compliance officers would be responsible for all surveillance activities and for record maintenance and reporting of such activities. The Internal Auditor shall review the surveillance Policy, its implementation, effectiveness and review the alerts generated during the period of audit.
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